Üks sõbranna on mul ammu rääkinud, et tahaks neid teha ning eelmine neljapäev võttiski Mariliis lõpuks vormid kapist välja ja proovisime need koogikesed ära. Retsepti leidis ta internetist. Ühest teisest retseptist võtsin nipiks, et muna kollase ja valge võiks eraldi vahustada, et koogikesed veelgi õhulisemad tuleksid. Minu meelest võiks lausa iga õhtu neid magustoiduks olla:)
Who is ready for the best dessert ever? It is so delicious that you will forget all the troubles in the world:) Ovenwarm chocolatecake from which a warm chocolate cream flows out...vanilla icecream...and fresh raspberries...mmm!!!!
One friend of mine had told me for a long time that we should make them. So last Thursday she took out the molds for it and we tried those cakes. We used two different recipes together.
I could have those cakes for dessert every evening:)
Tarvis läheb / You need:
- 170g tumedat šokolaadi (Bitter on parim valik) /170 g dark chocolate
- 150g taluvõid / 150g butter
- 160g suhkrut /160g sugar
- 75g nisujahu / 75g wheat flower
- 4 suurt muna / 4 big eggs
- näpuotsa täis soola / pinch of salt
- veidi kakaopulbrit (puhast) / little bit of cocoa powder (pure)
- vanilje koorejäätis / vanilla ice cream
- värsked vaarikad / fresh raspberries
- tuhksuhkur / castor sugar
Määri 6 väikest ahjuvormid hoolikalt võiga ning puista üle kakaopulbriga (sellised vormid, millega tehakse näiteks brüleesid ja sufleesid).
Kuumuta ahi 180'C-ni.
Sulata šokolaad ja või veevanni kohal potis. Mina olen tavaliselt võtnud suurema poti, pannud vee sinna sisse keema ning siis sangaga väiksema poti pannud omakorda selle poti äärele toetama ning seal sees sulatanud. Veevanni kohal tuleb sulatada seepärast, et šokolaad põhja ei kõrbeks. Keema ei ole segu vaja lasta. Kui šokolaadi ja või tükid on sulanud ning tekkinud on ühtlane mõnus kreem, siis jäta segu jahtuma.
Eralda muna kollased ja valged. Vahusta muna kollased suhkruga kohevaks. Lisa veidike jahtunu šokolaadisegu ning vahusta mikseriga veel 5 minutit. Sõelu juurde jahu ning vahusta veel 2 minutit.
Vahusta muna valged näpuotsa täie soolaga kõvaks vahuks ning sega õrnalt spaatliga šokolaadisegu juurde.
Kalla segu ettevalmistatud vormidesse.
Pane vormid eelkuumutatud ahju ning küpseta seal 10-12 minutit, kuid mitte rohkem. Täpne küpsetusaeg oleneb ahjust, vormidest, taignast jne. Kook peaks ahjust välja võttes pehmelt vetruma, mis annab märku, et sees on veel sulašokolaad. Ja ärge muretsege, kui nad küpsevad ka kogemata üle, siis halvimal juhul saad tavalise šokolaadi koogi:)
Kummuta koogikesed taldrikule, sõelu peale tuhksuhkrut, pane kõrvale jäätisepallid ning vaarikad ja asu maiustama
Crease 6 small molds carefully with butter and sprinkle with cocoa powder.
Preheat oven to 180'C.
Melt the chocolate and butter in a saucepan over a water bath. Usually I have taken a big pot, filled it with water for boiling and then over this pot I have taken a smaller saucepan which can be supported on the edges of the water pot. Melting chocolate like this will avoid scorching the chocolate. When chocolate and butter are melted and a smooth cream has formed then it's time to put it aside for cooling.
Separate egg yolks from from the white in two different bowls. Whip the egg yolks with sugar into a light mixture. Add cooled chocolate cream and whip 5 minutes more with mixer. Sieve flower into the mixture and whip 2 minutes more. Now whip the egg white together with pinch of salt into a hard foam and mix gently together with the chocolate mixture. Pour the mixture to prepared molds.
Put the molds into preheated oven and bake for 10-12 minutes, but not more! Exact cooking time depends on the oven, molds, mixture etc. When you take the cake out it should till look a bit wobbly from the middle, which shows that the mixture inside is still melted. And don't worry..if you cook them for too long then in worst case you will just have regular chocolate cake:)
Overturn the cakes on a plate, sieve castor sugar on them, put some vanilla icecream aside, raspberries on top and start enjoying!
* * *
Crease 6 small molds carefully with butter and sprinkle with cocoa powder.
Preheat oven to 180'C.
Melt the chocolate and butter in a saucepan over a water bath. Usually I have taken a big pot, filled it with water for boiling and then over this pot I have taken a smaller saucepan which can be supported on the edges of the water pot. Melting chocolate like this will avoid scorching the chocolate. When chocolate and butter are melted and a smooth cream has formed then it's time to put it aside for cooling.
Separate egg yolks from from the white in two different bowls. Whip the egg yolks with sugar into a light mixture. Add cooled chocolate cream and whip 5 minutes more with mixer. Sieve flower into the mixture and whip 2 minutes more. Now whip the egg white together with pinch of salt into a hard foam and mix gently together with the chocolate mixture. Pour the mixture to prepared molds.
Put the molds into preheated oven and bake for 10-12 minutes, but not more! Exact cooking time depends on the oven, molds, mixture etc. When you take the cake out it should till look a bit wobbly from the middle, which shows that the mixture inside is still melted. And don't worry..if you cook them for too long then in worst case you will just have regular chocolate cake:)
Overturn the cakes on a plate, sieve castor sugar on them, put some vanilla icecream aside, raspberries on top and start enjoying!